Plays for Women! A Collection of Overlooked Suffrage Plays

Ghostlight Ensemble presents Plays for Women!: A Collection of Overlooked Suffrage Plays — a reading of short suffrage works, most of them largely unknown and rarely performed, to coincide with March as Women’s History Month. This is a co-production with the Richard H. Driehaus Museum and is part of Ghostlight's For Your (Re)Consideration series.
The short works that make up Plays for Women! are:
"Something to Vote" For by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
"An Anti-Suffragist or the Other Side" by H.M. Paull
"The Mother’s Meeting" by Mrs. Harlow Phibbs
"Lady Geraldine’s Speech" by Beatrice Harraden
The reading is directed by Ensemble member Holly Robison and runs about 90 minutes with an intermission. A brief talkback will follow. For Your (Re)Consideration explores the works of historically overlooked female writers. Featuring a variety of distinct voices and styles from different historical periods, the readings seek to bring attention to these remarkable women who have been sidelined by history for reasons that had nothing to do with their talent and everything to do with their gender and, in many cases, their race.
Plays for Women! A Collection of Over...
Date and Time
Wednesday Mar 6, 2024
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM CST
The Driehaus Museum
40 E Erie St
Chicago, IL 60611
General Audience: $40
Driehaus Museum Members: $35
Students: $20